Millions live with 'vastly silent' prediabetes

The condition is often a precursor to type 2 diabetes, but patients can take steps to change that trajectory.

Media Contact: Barbara Clements - 253-740-5043,

For the estimated 98 million American adults living with prediabetes, blood sugar levels are elevated but not yet at the levels associated with a formal diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. 

Dr. Subbu Trikudanathan, medical director of the UW Medicine Diabetes Institute, says screening for prediabetes is important because treatment can delay emergence of the full-scale diabetes. 

“At least 70% (of people diagnosed with prediabetes) will develop diabetes in their lifetime, but we could delay it over several years,” she said. “Prediabetes is vastly silent. There can be subtle signs, but very often you don't have any symptoms or signs. And so screening is very important as it can develop at any age.”

In a blog post, learn about factors that cause diabetes and about detection and treatment.

Download broadcast-ready soundbites with Dr. Trikudanathan.


UW Medicine