Most women OK with wearing ECG monitor in pregnancy
These worn devices would enable clinicians to check maternal-fetal health more often, said the study's lead author at UW Medicine.
A survey of 507 U.S. women found that most were amenable to using wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) technology throughout their pregnancy to monitor maternal and fetal health, according to a UW Medicine-led study published recently in the Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
“Though the survey was conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, this study clearly indicates a high degree of readiness of prospective pregnant women for telemedicine with continuous health monitoring of the mother and fetus,” the authors wrote.
The average number of prenatal visits in Europe and the United States ranged from six to 11, respectively, the report noted. Authors also noted that the increased number of actual prenatal visits does not appear to result in better outcomes. However, the authors added, "continually updated information about physiological phenotype provides opportunities for more personalized health care in terms of prevention and early risk assessment. That can be achieved by continuous (or almost continuous) physiological monitoring of maternal and fetal health using ECG technologies."
This device could help clinicians monitor mother and fetal health more closely, said lead author Dr. Martin Frasch, a researcher in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Washington School of Medicine.
Survey results represented 45 of 50 U.S. states and women ages18 to 45. About 78% of respondents who said they planned to get pregnant within the next five years expressed openness to wearing the monitor on a daily basis.
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