New visitor policy at Harborview goes into effect Oct. 19
Effective Tuesday, Oct. 19, Harborview Medical Center in Seattle will be in the first phase in a program to require all inpatient visitors over age12 and those over 18 accompanying hospital-based clinic adult patients to show proof of having a COVID-19 vaccination or proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 3 days of visiting the hospital.
“We know how important this is for our patients, for their families, their loved ones, but also the health care workers. They’ve wanted to see families and friends there as well,” said Dr. John Lynch, medical director of infection prevention and control at Harborview Medical Center.
This new visitation policy will be in effect initially at Harborview. We plan on implementing this requirement at all UW Medicine hospitals and clinics.
To be considered fully vaccinated, visitors must have completed their second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines two weeks or more prior to their visit, or two weeks from the single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Visitors will be required to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test every time they visit.
In addition, visitors over age 2 will also be required to wear a medical-grade or surgical mask to enter any hospital within the UW Medicine system, beginning Oct. 19. Free masks meeting this requirement will be provided to visitors entering our hospitals and clinics.
All visitors will continue to be screened for symptoms consistent with COVID-19 before entering UW Medicine hospital and clinic facilities.
Read the entire UW Medicine visitor policy.
Media relations contact: Susan Gregg, sghanson@uw.edu