Media Coverage
Suicide rates increase among Asian American Pacific Islander youth
NW Asian Weekly (Anthony Bui, Pediatrics)
New UW Medicine behavioral health center opens
UW Magazine (Ryan Kimmel, Psychiatry)
Regular exercise can lead to 'healthier' belly fat
Everyday Health (Laura den Hartigh, Endocrinology)
Is weight loss as simple as calories in, calories out?
The Conversation (Chris Damman, Gastroenterology)
Medical hero honored by thousands in uniform
KING-TV (Michael Copass, Emergency Medicine)
New study examines increasing suicide rates in Asian American youth
KUOW Radio (Anthony Bui, Pediatrics)
UW receives grant to study dementia in Native American communities
KIRO-TV (Dedra Buchwald, Neurological Surgery)
Five reasons you should wear sunscreen every day year-round
Consumer Reports (Paul Nghiem, Dermatology)
Deadlier drugs, younger addiction and no help in sight
The Seattle Times (Chris Buresh, Emergency Medicine)
Why men should consider BRCA gene testing
KING-TV (Health Cheng, Hematology/Oncology)
Wait, a health worker surplus?
Medscape (Bianca Frogner, Family Medicine)